Workshop on Statistical Data Science
To foster collaboration within the EUt+ data science community, the Darmstadt Institute of Statistics and Operations Research (DISO) hosted the first Workshop on Statistical Data Science. The intent was to provide an opportunity for all partners to share experiences on statistics and statistical programming in data science, as well as to network and to strengthen scientific exchange.
Middle row (left to right): Kai Schlauersbach, Tamara Dieter, Celina Rünz, Florian Junge, Sonja Hahn.
Front row (left to right): Antje Jahn, Iqraa Meah, Alberto Gila-Navarro, Andrea Heaney.
Session 1: Applications and Software - Part I
- Alexandru-George Berciu (UT Cluj-Napoca): Intelligent control for a sustainable lifestyle
- Alberto Gila-Navarro (UP Cartagena): Dealing with Big Data in bioinformatics – An overview on algorithms and methods in transcriptomic data analysis
- Andrea Heaney (TU Dublin): Bias in context – An exploration of clinical professionals’ perceptions of the bias in women’s health in 2023
Session 2: Applications and Software - Part II
- Horst Zisgen (h_da Darmstadt): Using Reinforcement Learning for autonomous Gantry Robot Control
- Lukas Klein (h_da Darmstadt): The best of two worlds? A systematic comparison of time-to-event model implementations between R and Python
- Florian Junge (h_da Darmstadt): Efficient computation of the generalised Poisson binomial distribution
Session 3: Inference
- Sebastian Döhler (h_da Darmstadt): Online multiple testing with super uniformity reward
- Iqraa Meah (Sorbonne Paris & h_da Darmstadt): A unified class of null proportion estimators with plug-in FDR control
- Lukas Klein (h_da Darmstadt): Using the bird eye perspective – Second level testing with Higher Criticism applied to authorship attribution problems
Session 4: Other topics
- Tamara Dieter (h_da Darmstadt): Evaluation of the Explanatory Power of Layer-wise Relevance Propagation using Adversarial Examples
- Yoann Valero (UT Troyes): Predictive Process Model Explainability: The Case of Crowding and Design of Experiments
- Duke Debrah Afrane (TU Dublin): Exploring the state-like characteristics of PsyCap on employees
Workshop Information
Start: May 11th, 2023, 2:00 PM
End: May 12th, 2023, 12:30 PM
h_da Darmstadt, Germany
Schöfferstraße 3, Building C23, Room 02.04