Introductory Course on R

Introductory course on R from October 7th to 9th, 2024

!!! Important Note: This course will be held in German !!!!

R is an open source programming language for statistical analysis and its graphical representation. It is considered a standard language for solving statistical problems in industry and science.



    The introduction on R is scheduled for the following days:

    • Monday, October 07, 2024, 08:30 till 16:00 (1st to 4th lecture block)
    • Tuesday, October 08, 2024, 08:30 till 16:00 (1st to 4th lecture block)
    • Wednesday, October 09, 2024, 08:30 till 12:00 (1st and 2nd lecture block)



    Building C10 (High-rise building), lecture hall 09.02



    The following subjects will be covered:

    • General information about R
    • Data structures
    • Program flow control and branching
    • Functions
    • Data import and export
    • Visualization
    • Basic statistics und data analysis



    Basic programming knowledge, e.g. in Python, MATLAB, C/C++ or similar, is absolutely necessary!



    You can enroll via Moodle: If you do not yet have Moodle access, you can also register via eMail to

    Please be sure to indicate your department and study program when registering! Registration deadline is October 4th, 2024.


    Required software

    In any case, it is helpful to bring your own laptop on which you should already install the necessary software:


    We look forward to your participation!