Darmstadt Institute for Statistics and Operations Research

Who we are

The Darmstadt Institute for Statistics and Operations Research, abbreviated: DISO, is your competent partner for statistics and operations research at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. It consists of professors and staff members of the Department of Mathematics with specialization in statistics, optimization, simulation, financial mathematics and data science. We advise and support in the context of:

  • research projects, doctorates and theses at our university,
  • third-party funding and research projects with external partners,
  • university administration projects and publications.


Our Goal

We want to bundle and expand the university's internal expertise in the areas of statistics, data science, and operations research, and incorporate it more strongly into interdisciplinary collaborations.

What we offer

Consulting and support

We offer qualified advice to all h_da students, staff, lecturers, doctoral students and external partners.

Our consulting service

Trainings and seminars

We offer regular and on-demand software courses (e.g. R, SPSS), methodology workshops and seminars.

Our courses

Fields of expertise

The members of our team are active in a wide range of fields and therefore have unique specializations.

Our skills



An overview of ongoing and completed projects that are being conducted or have been successfully completed at DISO.

Our project participations


An overview of DISO members' publications.


Selected publications


Presentations on research results and projects at DISO.


Our presentations


Introductory course on R from March 31 to April 02, 2025

As usual, an introductory course in R will be held shortly before the start of the summer semester courses. Click here to register.

Iqraa Meah, PhD., and Jury

Controlling False Discovery Proportion in Structured Data Sets

Ms. Iqraa Meah receives doctorate from the Université Sorbonne and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

[Translate to Englisch:]

"New problems call for new experts"

Darmstadt professors Christoph Becker and Jan-Philipp Hoffmann have started their own YouTube series aimed at giving viewers an understandable overview of what’s going on in the financial system – and making people enthusiastic about their subject.

Workshop participants and presenters

Workshop on Statistical Data Science

On May 11 and 12, the first EUt+ Workshop on Statistical Data Science organised by DISO took place.

The programme consisted of twelve presentations highlighting various applications of statistics in the field of data science, six of which were given…


Our Team

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Döhler

Prof. Dr. Horst Zisgen

Deputy Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Christine Bach

Prof. Dr. Christoph Becker

Prof. Dr. Tobias Bedenk

Prof. Dr. Jutta Groos

Prof. Dr. Jan-Philipp Hoffmann

Prof. Dr. Antje Jahn

Prof. Dr. Julia Kallrath

Florian Junge, M. Sc.


Counseling services for students

The Darmstadt Institute for Statistics and Operations Research supports students and Ph.D. students in their scientific work. Do you need advice?

Then use our inquiry form for your question. Please note that a consultation can only take place in compliance with your scientific supervisor. 


Consulting services for university members and external parties

You need support in the evaluation and analysis of your scientifically collected data? You have a scientific question in the fields of statistics, operations research or data analysis for which you need competent advice? You are welcome to send your request via our request form to the Darmstadt Institute for Statistics and Operations Research.


If you have further questions, suggestions or information requests, you can contact the DISO coordinator Florian Junge as follows: